Treatment of moderate hearing loss

Treatment of moderate hearing loss
Treatment of moderate hearing loss

Elements of the article
  1.    Moderate hearing loss
  2.   Causes of moderate and severe hearing loss
  3.   Modes of prevention of moderate hearing loss
  4.   Modes of treatment of moderate hearing loss

Moderate hearing loss:

The sense of hearing is one of the five basic senses and hearing process occurs through the ear flap sensing and picking up the sound waves surrounding, and then converted in the ear to vibrations and then to vibrations transmitted by the auditory nerve of the brain and specifically to the center of hearing in it, and when a problem in the work of the ear A person with so-called deafness or hearing impairment, hearing loss may be mild, moderate or very severe and may reach deafness.

Causes of moderate and severe hearing loss:

  Congenital causes:

Hearing loss may be congenital from birth. In many cases, the fetus is born with a deformation of the ear or a weak hearing and it is easy to detect it.

Pathological causes:

Infection with some viral infections, such as measles or mumps, will weaken the person’s hearing.

Accidental causes:

 Prolonged exposure to a nuisance and loud noise that harms the ear and impaires the hearing.
Aging: Whenever a person becomes old, he has a sense of hearing, as is the case with other senses.
see also : Obesity damage

Ways to prevent moderate hearing loss:

Prevention is better than cure, so we must protect and protect ourselves before the problem occurs, and to prevent hearing problems we must adhere to the following:
Avoid, as much as possible, the sources of inconvenience, noise and noise. Try to prevent some diseases and health problems that can hurt the sense of hearing. Clean the ear glue constantly and with great caution.
   Note: If you feel any problem in the ear, you should go directly to the clinic of the specialist doctor to perform the necessary examinations and not to be silent so as not to multiply the problems.

Methods of treatment for moderate hearing loss:

The hearing problem is diagnosed by the specialist doctor through conducting some medical examinations, and in the event that a hearing impairment is established, it is directed to take the appropriate procedures for treatment, and the treatment shall be by one of the following means:

Using the stethoscope:

Which are in the form of three headphones inside the ear, headphones inside the ear canal, and headphones deep in the ear canal, in addition to the headphones behind the ear which are the most widespread and used among adults and children.

 Cochlear implantation for the patient:

Which is resorted to in the event that medical headphones are not available, as it is considered an effective and feasible method in cases of severe hearing impairment, and is done through a surgical operation in which the specialized doctor implants a small tool inside the ear and remains with the patient permanently.


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